Labels:cassette tape | crt screen | monitor | poster | screen OCR: OransPrix The only way to win... FEATURES INCLUDE: You could only dream of this: racing the circuit Teams, drivers and circ uits from the Formula car in 300 km real For mula world per hour. Feel the power, smell the ots of cars with deta IS rubber experience the Prac ctise and quali icat tions laps time pressure when you stop at the pitstop Exc iting iper fasi 3D SVGA graphics Every hundred second will count Multiplayer via modem Look atv our race witl the video replay S ystem Join the champio nship This cd-ron cor tains xtra evels for GrandP rix2 not the full vers sion go Grane dPrix 2is a registrated trad amart k of Micropr se 14429 000504 Gran adPrix 2 is not affi tiafer prod uced endorsed, and not SuDE ported by Micropr ose GransPrix Lots detal Practise qualif layer option vour contain ...